Conference Details

Second Meeting

Montreal, Québec, Canada

(May 16 - 18, 2019)

Conference Program

PDF Details

The second meeting of research partners for the IPTSA project took place during the Canadian Association for African Studies 2019 Conference, hosted by the University Montreal in the Hôtel des Gouverneurs in Montréal. Our researchers were attending the conference to present various projects and to meet to further discuss the project.

The conference was a very well attended event, as were the panels presenting the works of our research team members. Researchers from the IPTSA project flew in from many parts of the world to participate and further discuss the work completed and future collaborations.

For conference and meeting details, Ian Hood, Project Logistical Manager at York University prepared the comprehensive report including meeting minutes, with the assistance of Bruno Véras and Leidy Alpizar (York University).
